
Hello sweet soul,

How are you? My holidays are ending and I am filled with so much gratitude for this journey. I feel so relaxed and have received lots of downloads with information and images about new projects and ideas. When I switch off, I turn on my creative power and flow. How about you?

It’s interesting how we sometimes push and work hard to move forward in our lives and it’s actually when we take a step back and look at it all with fresh eyes that we truly see where we are.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the last three videos in my series Choose Happy, if not you can find the first one (Start Where You Are) here, the second (Feel Your Feelings) here and the last one here (Love Yourself Up).

This week we’ll dive right into the last video, Choose Happy 4. Say YES. Click on the image below to watch it.

So, how are you saying yes to more happiness and joy in your life? Are you ready for it or does it bring up your stuff? Every time we step out of our comfort zone, we are triggered. This goes for all kinds of new experiences, also wonderful ones. I am usually more triggered by what I perceive to be too much of the good things in life: more money, more joy, more success… How about you? Can you embrace the goodness without feeling guilty or unworthy?

I just got back from my trip to Sweden and it has been an amazing trip. I’ve laughed so much, cried, remembered, hugged my friends, practiced yoga enjoyed vanilla lattes and eaten way to many kanelbullar (cinnamon rolls). I am feeling so filled with joy and energy and can’t wait to get back to work. Next week I’ll share more from my holidays and show you lots of funny and inspiring photos.


How was your week, lovely? Hit reply and let me know. I love hearing from you.

Beaming you love and warm hugs,


PS: My one on one sessions are filling up very quickly so if you wish to book your space from August and onward you can do this here.

Another PS: I’ll be opening up spaces in my group coaching program Clear Your Path & Shine on August 10 and we start on October 5. If you wish to join us sign up to my Love Letters and be the first to know. Spaces are limited and last time they sold out in only 5 days.

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