My favourite practices

Hello beautiful friend,

Happy New Year, my loves! Thank you for being here and for being a part of my dear tribe. I am SO grateful for you and I am very honoured to share my insights and intuitive guidance with you. You are a true blessing in my life. 

2018 is feeling pretty big and brimming with possibilities already! I am so excited to share my 2018 New Year Reading + Favourite Practices with you. I hope you’ll love the video below and towards the end I’m channeling a powerful and very loving message from my Soul Team. I hope it feeds your whole being. And please share with your tribe if it resonates.

I’m also sharing the cards and messages that came through further below.

2018 New Year Reading + My Favourite Practices



Intuitive Guidance for 2018:

Buffalo – Abundance: Look deeper into your relationship with abundance. Do you fear not having enough or do you trust that life will always provide what you need? Are you generous with yourself and with others or are you holding back? You are being invited to see just how abundant and supported you are. Count your blessings and feel deep gratitude for what you already have. The more grateful your heart is, the clearer the path is towards receiving more of what you desire. This year will be abundant with blessings!

Virgo – The Priestess Energy – Connect with nature and receive the plant and flower wisdom. Deepen your connection to the Sacred by creating an altar or adding more rituals to your life. Sit in stillness and allow the priestess energy inside you to awaken. You are ready to blossom and fully embrace your inner power and wisdom.

Cat – Secrets: You have done a lot of inner work and you are maturing. The cat people offer deep wisdom and protection and they keep the secret wisdom until you are ready to receive it. Keep growing and open up to receive the guidance available to you.

Embrace The Change – You are opening up to more change this year! Release any attachments to the past and go with the flow. Surrender to your purpose and path. Embrace what comes to you and let Life lead the way. You are always safe and lovingly supported. 

Create Your Reality – Get crystal clear on what you desire and then take inspired action towards your desires. Don’t let the illusions steer you off course. Embrace your power and co-create your reality. Remember who you are and why you are here.

The Goddess Within – It’s time to express your full feminine power and let the Goddess within you awaken. Honour who you are. Walk your talk and remember how powerful and magical you truly are. It’s time to step up and into the Light. Call in all the support available to you and embrace who you are. It’s time to share your gifts with the world and to shine!

I am using the beautiful Sacred Journey Oracle Cards by Lesley Ann Crossingham and the Inner Star Oracle Deck (Magic Edition) by Jo Klima at The Darling Tree.


I am super happy to share some of my favourite practices and tools to dream a new year into being. As an intuitive I always feel challenged to find the right balance between getting clear on my goals, mapping them out in my calendar and being in the flow and listening to my inner guidance. Maybe you feel this way too?

I think that for many intuitives it’s easier to receive the guidance than it is to set practical, down to earth goals and stick to them. For me it’s been a challenge to embrace both aspects as I tend to either be completely filled with the guidance and bliss out OR plan and then push to make it all happen (type A personality, hello!).

This post is a mix of my favourite tools and ways to dream my new year into being and I hope it inspires you. As usual I hope you use what resonates and find your own ways of working and being that sing to your heart. Your gifts are so needed. Find a way to move through the resistance and shine your beautiful light.


2018 new year reading favourite practices

My favourite tools

Leonie Dawson’s Workbook

I’ve been using Leonie’s workbooks since 2011 and absolutely LOVE them. They are both very practical/strategic AND creative/intuitive. I start by doing the closing ceremony and go through the past year (not always fun but SO important and powerful).

When the past year feels complete I start filling out my new year’s goals, wishes and dreams. Some years I’ve finished at the end of January and other years many months later. What matters is that you do this at your own pace and embrace your own rhythm and timing.

I listen to my inner voice when I do this work but when the resistance comes up I work through it.

Don’t let the resistance be a reason to stop and go into hiding.

When I have filled out my workbook I start mapping out my year and fill my passion planner with goals for each month and tasks to do so I reach these goals. This is a great way to see if the dreams that are in my head are actually possible when it comes to the time/energy balance. I check my planner regularly and re-ajust when needed.

I use a big wall calendar to map out my bigger goals like creation and launch of my services (like the Shining Purpose Sisterhood and Clear Your Path & Shine) as well as longer projects like my new podcast (hopefully ready in February!) and my first book.

This big calendar really helps me to see my whole year and I quickly notice if I’m trying to do too much at the same time (hrm…). It’s also a great way to make sure I have enough support to move through the busier times in my business with more ease and flow (instead of suddenly feeling overwhelmed and having to push through).

Some of my favourite things in Leonie’s workbook is the word of the year. This year my words are POWER and AWAKE.

These words are already stretching me in so many ways. Every time I’m being asked to grow and open up to more I ask for the easiest way to do this. Of course it’s not always super easy but I give myself the time and loving support I need.

Every year I create a painting with my word and keep it in my living room/work space so I remember the message. If you haven’t chosen a word for this year yet, my dear friend Jackie Stewart created this beautiful guided meditation here. It’s a free gift and you are in for a treat. Jackie has the most amazing voice!


My favourite rituals

I’m such a big fan of rituals and ceremonies! I love connecting deeper and tapping into the powerful energy network that surrounds us all.

Inviting In The New Year

One of my favourite rituals is to gather with my soul sisters in a sacred place in nature. We take the time to connect with the land, drum, sing, dance and do anything we feel guided to do. We all share what we are letting go of from the past year and show gratitude for all the challenges and the blessings. We also say what we long for in the new year. When this feels complete we all turn around and stand hand in hand in our circle. It’s now time to connect with the elements, our support team and each other. When we feel ready we let go of each others hands and take one step forward.

This is such a simple yet very powerful ritual. When you are present and show up fully, surrounded by people you love, it feels amazing. You can do this ritual even if the new year has already started. It’s never too late to clear out and release the past so you can embrace the now.

Make A Dreamboard

This is one of the ideas suggested in Leonie’s workbooks and I’ve been creating dreambords for 6 years now. It’s such a powerful – and fun – way to get out of our heads and into our hearts. When you ask Spirit to guide you to find the right images and words for your dreamboard you tap into something much vaster than yourself. Let your intuition guide you, have fun and see where this journey takes you!

Create A Daily Practice

This is probably the most important and powerful ritual for me. I’ve created a daily practice that I do Sometimes it takes me 5 minutes and at other times I do it for hours. Although it’s amazing to do big, elaborate rituals I find that my daily ones help me stay on track and keep my energy clear and sparkly. The more I grow – and my business expands – the more important it is to take exquisite care of ourselves.

When you have a daily practice that supports you and helps you stay connected to Source you will spend less time feeling overwhelmed and lost. Find something that works for you and commit to it.

My daily practice is to release, ground myself and create loving boundaries (I created a guided meditation here so you can do this too!). Sometimes I do this while I take my shower and visualize the water clearing my body, mind, soul and then filling me up with golden light. Others times I stand barefoot in my garden and connect with Mother Earth and All That Is.

The next step is to set an intention for my day. I get clear on where I wish to direct my energy and how I want to feel. If I feel guided I also connect with my Spirit Guides (you can learn how to do this here) and ask them what I need to hear or transmit that day. Voilà! I’m ready to greet my day and embrace whatever comes up. I regularly check in to make sure I’m relaxed, focused and in alignment.


Tune In To The Energy Of The New Year

It’s so exciting to tune in to the energy of each new year and there are many ways you can do this. If you are an intuitive/healer/channel just use the way you normally connect with Spirit and ask what the new year is here to teach you. Connect with the energy of this year and ask what you can do to embrace it. What are the big lessons, challenges and gifts that the new year bring you?

I’m loving this year so far and the energy is SO loving, soft and yet very powerful and focused. I feel in complete alignment with who I am and my Life’s Path. 

I’ve been offering Intuitive Readings for many years now and love supporting others to tap into the energy of the new year. If you wish to receive loving support and guidance find out more and book your space here. Or join me for this powerful Release 2017 & Embrace 2018 Master Class on January 18 so we can do it together! Find out more and lock in your space here.


My favourite support to stay on track

A Mastermind/Sacred Business Circle

No matter how great or on track you feel right now, having your own business and/or being on a spiritual path can be lonely and at times very challenging. My number one support is my mastermind/sacred circle. Being surrounded by creative, highly intuitive wise women inspires me to expand into my own highest potential.

Many of us are so used to supporting others but don’t allow ourselves to receive this kind of powerful and loving support for us. If this is you, I invite you to get in touch with what you truly need and ask for it. Reach out to the right people and when they say yes – allow yourself to receive their love.

This year I will offer three group programs – The Shining Purpose Sisterhood that starts on January 31 (registrations are open now!), Clear Your Path & Shine that starts in April (registrations will open in February!) and Embrace Your Purpose in September.

All groups are for women who are ready to embrace this level of support but don’t feel like creating it. You are so welcome to join us and make sure you are on my Love Letter list to be the first to know when the doors open (+ receive extra gifts!).

If you don’t want to invest in support, just create your own mastermind. Reach out to people you feel would be a great fit, get together and set a structure and house rules that work for you. Tweak as you go. That’s how I started my first mastermind a few years ago and it was so awesome. I’ve been refining the structure and energy over time and now know exactly what I need to create the most powerful and loving space and community.


Shining Sisterhood 750x750

Energy Work

Most of my amazing clients come to me because they need support to stay focused and aligned on their path in their lives and/or businesses so I know how important this is. Although I’ve got lots of tools and techniques that I use for myself I also love receiving support from my incredibly gifted soul sisters.

My go to wise women for energy work are Lara Waldman (she is gentle, graceful and offers very deep healing around money and abundance), Lysa Black (super powerful and she knows exactly how to access the deep wounds so they can heal), Belinda Pate-MacDonald (such a gifted healer, channel and her connection to the earth is amazing) and Jackie Stewart (shamanic wild woman, essence practitioner and so great at holding space for all the emotions to flow).

There are so many amazing energy workers out there so let yourself be guided. Trust in your own inner voice and only receive support from someone who feels right to you. It’s so important to connect with practitioners who resonate with you on a soul level and that you feel safe and comfortable with.

Exquisite Self Care

The better I take care of myself the more I can enjoy life and business. It all starts on the inside. After years of not taking great care of my body I now get regular massages, go to yoga, sweat in the sauna, take long walks in the woods and take more time off to rest than ever before in my life. It’s so worth it!

Self care is what you long for. It can be anything from lying in bed for hours and reading a great book to going for a run. Working (even if you love what you do) is not self care so if you have a hard time finding something you enjoy I invite you to explore this more. Connect with your body and ask it what I needs. Listen. And act on the guidance you receive.

Trust that your body knows exactly what it needs. When you pay attention and allow yourself to receive what you truly long for, you will receive more guidance and it will flow.

Time Off To Play

I can get so stuck in my head and completely immersed in my to do list. That’s why play time is so important! Step away from your computer, forget your cell phone and go outside. Take a day/week/month off and have fun. Explore a part of the woods you’ve never been to, go on a road trip with your soul sisters, go to a great concert with your man or go to the movies in the middle of the day.

What did you enjoy doing as a child? What brings you joy? What new thing would be fun to try?


I  love going to zumba, paint, take the train and hike up my favourite mountains. If you think you don’t have time to play and have fun you definitely have to do it :). I often resist stepping away from my work (because I love it so much!) but my best ideas and divine downloads come to me when I’m doing something else.

I hope you enjoyed this post and would love to know what resonated the most with you. And please share your favourite ways to dream your new year into being.

Let’s create more magic together!

Sending you waves of love from a cold but cosy south of France,


PS: If you want to receive support and guidance, I offer free mini oracle readings in my Wise Woman Circle Facebook Group. Click here to join us!


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