
Hello lovely,

I am so happy and excited to be in Sweden right now. I grew up here and haven’t spent a whole month here in a very long time.

I won’t be doing any intuitive readings or coaching sessions during this time but I’ll be checking my e-mails every week so you are welcome to get in touch. If you wish to book your session from July 28 and onward you can do this here. You can of course purchase my guided meditations and Spirit Guide Kit and download them instantly as usual.

In order to help you feel inspired next month I’ve prepared 4 fun videos for my blog so you can invite more happiness into your life. We start on Thursday!

I’ve been enjoying some really inspiring posts, audios and videos in the past weeks and I can’t wait to share them with you. Here we go:

  • Your humanness is the face of your soul. Jackie Stewart writes beautifully about how important it is to embrace our human experiences and being in order to fully embody our spirituality.
  • In this post the lovely Hiro Boga shares the importance of nurturing ourselves so we can give our love and support to our clients. If you are feeling exhausted or overwhelmed right now this is a wonderful message for you.
  • My beautiful friend Lori Portka is sharing her amazing gratitude story in Hailey Bartholomew’s video: Lori’s story – gratitude grows. Bring out some tissues because this is such a touching story and it brought tears to my eyes.
  • What to do after you have a breakthrough (you are going to shrink after you expand so listen closely), awesome post about what happens after the launch/big project/leap of faith by Danielle LaPorte.
  • I discovered Rebecca Kane recently and love her new podcast – The SHEro’s Journey. You can listen to inspiring women sharing their stories on how they went from breakdowns to breakthroughs.
  • If you haven’t watched this hilarious video by Denise Duffield Thomas on how we sell (men vs women) I really recommend you do. So funny and so true!

I hope you enjoy a nice break as you listen to these inspiring women.

Have a wonderful day and be the inspiration you are!

With so much love and gratitude,


PS: Need some time off to release and fill yourself up with gorgeous energy? Join us for a day long workshop in London on September 12. Early bird price ends on Friday July 3.

Another PS: Two of my favourite women in the world – Jackie Stewart and Lucy Pearce – are coming together in Jackie’s Soul Sanctuary to teach you more about creative flow. The doors open tomorrow and registration ends tonight at midnight UK time so click HERE to join them.











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