I have always loved magic! When I was a child I used to communicate with insects, animals and trees. To me they were alive and they had a soul. I could feel their energy flowing into me and I felt very open and receptive. Growing up I gradually started shutting myself off in order to feel protected. I could still feel people and I guess I had a pretty good intuition but having a protective shield around me definitely confined me to my own space, my own energy.
I spent many years shut off from myself and from spirit until one day when I started to open up. It took me years to feel safe again and to gradually let go of my protection. I am so grateful for the beautiful souls who inspired and helped me during this time.
The more I opened up to myself and to others, the more alive I felt. It wasn’t always easy because I also started feeling uncomfortable feelings like pain, sorrow and anger. But the more I allowed those feelings into my body, the stronger I could feel all my feelings. I felt happier than ever and I started to feel truly free. I love that feeling!
The more I became in tune with my body and my feelings, the stronger I could feel my connection with Spirit. I come from a very spiritual family so I felt pretty natural about it but it still took me by surprise. As if I reconnected with a part of me that I already knew but had long forgotten. It was a quite beautiful and magical experience – like a flower slowly opening up, one petal at a time.
The turning point for me was when I attended a Channeling Workshop in Sweden, 11 years ago. Not many people knew about channeling back then but I had heard of this workshop by a lovely woman who I met during a trip to the Açore islands off the coast of Portugal. Only recently did I learn that the Açore islands are located where Atlantis used to be. What a great sign from the Universe that I was on the right track : ).
During that weekend workshop my life took on a whole new meaning. The moment I started communicating with my Spirit Guides I knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of life. I knew in my heart and soul that this was my Life’s Purpose and my life was never the same after that moment.
Of course, learning how to communicate with my guides was just the first step and since then I have transformed and worked hard to deepen my connection both with Spirit and with myself. It’s like they are closely connected. I don’t feel like I’m giving away my power at all – on the contrary. The more I listen to Spirit, the closer I get to myself. My inner voice is now so clear and all I need to do is listen. That’s not always easy being in the middle of a busy life, caring for a family and working. But I do it as much as I can. I show up and I shine my light. Every day. And the more authentically I live, the closer I feel to You, to Spirit and to all that surrounds me.
We all have Spirit Guides and they are always by our side. Even when we forget about them, even when we are too busy to care. They love us and wish for us to be happy. If you long to connect with your Spirit Guides, just sit down in a beautiful place that you love (maybe outside?), relax, close your eyes and open up your heart. This is how they communicate with us – through our hearts – and all you need to do is open up and receive their loving energy. Ask them to come closer to you and listen. Listen to their messages with your heart.
You can spend as much time as you like and if the connection doesn’t feel strong enough, just relax deeper and try again. Or come back later when you feel more receptive. Take the time you need and stay open to all kinds of messages. Sometimes they speak in words and sometimes they use lore subtler signs. Be open to any kind of communication and let go of any expectations of what it « should » be like.
How do you communicate with Spirit ? Do you have a special place where you find the connection easier ? I would love to hear your stories.
Karina Ladet
Karina is a channel and spiritual guide offering readings by e-mail, phone and Skype at Karina’s Inner Space. She also offers a Communicate with your Spirit Guide e-course that is running for the second time and also spreads her light and love during week-end workshops. If you wish to receive her free Love Letters with messages from the spirit guides, please sign up by e-mail.
Blog: http://karinas-inner-space.blogspot.com/
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Karina Ladet
Twitter: KarinaLadet