
Hello sweet friend,

What a week so far! I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling so tired this week and my body seems to contract and ache more than usual. The eclipse last week was so intense and although I could feel a sense of lightness as the new moon appeared I’m taking the time to integrate all the new energy swirling around.

This week I opened the private Facebook group for my new e-course 30 Days To A More Intuitive You and it was lovely to greet some old and new people into our sacred circle. If you are feeling called to connect deeper with your intuition there is still time to join. We start the journey together on Monday so you only have 5 more days to book your space.

Today I’m sharing my last tip on how you can connect with your intuition in your everyday life. As much as I love immersing myself into energy work I also believe in making it a part of our daily life. My intention is to keep my eyes and heart open so I can fully receive all the wisdom and guidance that is always available to me.

If you enjoyed the last tips, this one will seal the deal :). Today I share a short video about how important it is to TRUST what you receive.

Every day you receive divine guidance and every day spirit whispers loving messages to you.

If you want your life to transform and to grow as a human being, it’s so important to trust what you receive.

Let this trust lead the way and act on the messages you are receiving.

I hope you enjoy the video and I would love to know what holds you back from trusting the guidance you receive.

I wish you a beautiful week and invite you to ask for what you need. Ask and receive it fully.

With all my love and gratitude,


PS: If you are looking for a really powerful, loving and deeply transformative program to grow and nurture your business starts on Monday March 30 and you still have a few more days to join. If you’d like to ask me any questions about my experience with BYOBA you are so welcome to e-mail me.

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