Wow! What a crazy and amazing month of June I’ve had! It has been packed with awesome soul sister gatherings in magical places such as Cae Mabon (Wales), on top of gorgeous mountains around here and I even did another channeling workshop at a friend’s place. I was so set on NOT doing a workshop around here (too close to home, too complicated with close friends, people around here don’t earn much money and there are lots of amazing workshops offered so why would they come to mine…) and then when a lovely woman called me up and told me when she was free for the workshop I just let go. I surrendered all of the ideas I had about what it was going to be like to the Universe and set a date. I found a place to do it so easily and with only two e-mails five people signed up in only a couple of days. Awesome!
It was such an amazing group of women and once again I was reminded that this is not about me. It’s not about my fears, doubts, abilities or anything else. This is about Spirit inviting herself into our hearts. It’s about divine connections and LOVE.
I can do that : ). This is my calling. To open up to love. Again and again. Even when it’s too hard. Especially then.
So, during the last weeks I’ve been spending a lot of time drumming, walking in nature, swimming in breathtakingly beautiful (and freezing!) mountain rivers and connecting with soul sisters and with myself. I’ve finally launched the two workshops I’ll be offering in Australia (Brisbane and Kuranda here I come!) and it feels SO GOOD. And scary. And unbelievable. I mean, honestly, a year and a half ago I started my business because I had to! I had to start making a living and either I could start doing the work I knew I was here to do or I had to get a soul sucking job just to make money. So I jumped!
With the incredible help from the amazing sisterhood in Leonie Dawson’s Academy I started. The first few months I was high on the adrenaline and every time I doubted what I was doing I received a sign from the Universe that I was on track. Those first months were so exciting, scary, intense and I spent a lot of time in awe of how much support I was receiving. I kept trusting in this crazy path of mine and the more I trusted in it the more good stuff started happening.
I don’t have a clear plan for where I am going but I listen to my intuition and let go of trying to control everything. I get out of my own way and KNOW that Great Spirit knows where I am heading. And my life becomes fuller, richer and so much more amazing than ever. And I KNOW that I made the right decision when I started my business. The work is flowing in most of the time and whenever I am feeling tired or am going through my own emotional and spiritual stuff work slows down just enough for me to recharge my batteries before it flows back in again. I now trust that the Universe is giving me just what I need. All. The. Time.
Of course this doesn’t mean that my life is always fun and easy. I wish ; ). Nope, doing deep soul work brings up lots of stuff. So many feelings of not being enough, of not doing enough, of comparing myself to others, of being too happy and asking for too much. I am not the best person at feeling my own feelings. I have no problem supporting others when they go through really difficult stuff but when it comes to my own. I’d rather not go there! But if I want to grow and evolve in my life and work I have to allow for all my feelings to be there. In order to do that I ask for help. My beautiful friends Jackie Stewart and Cara Wilde have offered me some amazing support during this time and I don’t think I would be this happy and balanced if I didn’t have them in my life.
I am so blessed and feel so grateful for my life. I do the work I am here to do. I live with my beautiful family in a place I love. On top of that I get to connect with amazing people from all over the world while I live a very slow and down to earth life in the French countryside.
If you are dreaming of living a different life I lovingly encourage you to go for it! You can change your life if this is really what your heart and soul want and need. Life can change in a split second and anything is possible. Ask for support. Ask for magic. And trust! Surrender to the flow of life and watch it transform your reality.
It’s not easy all the time but living a life of ease and flow is possible. If you need some extra support I still have some spaces open in August for intuitive coaching and readings and I would love to help you live the life of your dreams.
Oh, and if you are in Australia (or know someone who does and who needs this) I would LOVE to see you at one of my Spirit Guide Connection Retreats.
Beaming love and stardust at you, Beautiful Soul!
Congratulations Karina! And thank you for sharing that it’s sometimes difficult…I love to hear it’s not just me!!! x