Hello beautiful soul sister,
How are you, sweet friend? As the year draws to an end we are being called to release everything that isn’t in alignment with our highest purpose anymore and to open up and receive the beautiful gifts we have been given. If your year has been really challenging with lots of deep transformation and big shifts I invite you to take your time with this. Take one step at a time. Honour who you are. Honour your own rhythm and timing.
I know this time of the year is intense for many people and I am so happy to offer you some free gifts to help you navigate the coming weeks with more ease. Every month you’ll receive free healing and as soon as you sign up to my Love Letters here you can download your free guided meditation to connect with your Soul Team.
I can’t wait to wrap you up in love and send you beautiful, high vibrational and deeply loving energies every month. It’s such a great opportunity to give yourself some space to just be still, let go and open up to receive.
My deepest desire is for you to feel unconditionally loved and supported. Because you ARE.
You are also welcome to listen to the guided meditation any time you feel lost, overwhelmed or you need some support to shift your energy. Your powerful Soul Team is always here and willing to serve and support you in any way you need. Sometimes we get so caught up in busy making and holding space for others that we forget or disconnect from the amazing support that is available to us.
Click here to receive free healing and your guided meditation to receive support from your Soul Team.
I’d love to hear from you after you’ve listened to the meditation and I’ll let you know when the first group healing will take place. You can open up to receive it wherever you are in the world. And if you need some loving 1:1 support from me, find my private sessions here.
I wish you a magical week and may it be filled with ease and joy!
Sending you so much love, sweet friend,
PS: Have you seen my gorgeous new header and graphics! SO beautiful and vibrant. As usual they were created my my amazing soul sister Melissa Cuzzilla.