Magic & Miracles Giveaway: Your free guided meditation

magic and Miracles Giveaway party

Magic and Miracles Giveaway Party


Hello magical being,

I am so happy that you have joined the amazing Cordelia’s generous giveaway party where you will receive lots of free gifts, prizes to win and have so much fun! I am so honoured to be a part of this celebration and absolutely love magic and miracles. I can’t wait to connect with you and spread more love and sparkly energy – it is so needed in this world.

My gift in this giveaway is one of my favourite meditations ever and a guided journey that I take pretty much every day to clear my energy, ground myself and create good boundaries. We take on so much stuff during our days and taking the time to release everything that doesn’t belong to us and weighs us down can make a HUGE impact on our lives.

Release, ground yourself & create loving boundaries

During Ground&Boundariesthis beautiful inner journey you will receive loving support to help you release all the stories, patterns and energies you no longer need. In a magical place you will be shown how to ground yourself and create loving and strong boundaries.

You can use this meditation any time you feel stuck, stressed out, overwhelmed or unclear. My loving voice, the wonderful music by Thaddeus and our Spirit allies will hold you and help you to reconnect with your inner light and soul. 

Time: 24 minutes. Music by Thaddeus.

I invite you to join my Love Letter list below so you can receive this FREE guided meditation right now. Enjoy!

When you join my list you will not only receive my guided mediation for free but also have the chance to win a 1:1 Intuitive Reading with me! The winner has been drawn. Thank you for joining me.
intuitive reading buttonDuring our 60­-90 min session you will receive messages that will resonate deeply within your soul.
My guides also share very powerful healing energies and if you need any help to cut cords to people, places or situations they will lovingly do so.
If there are any blockages that are making it difficult for you to move forward in your life we will hold the space for them to be acknowledged and healed.
Value: 250 USD.
Discover more about my Intuitive Readings/Healing Sessions here and find out what my amazing clients are saying about them here.
I’m really looking forward to sharing my gifts with you and can’t wait to connect with you during this party!
With so much love and gratitude, dear Miracle Maker,


Karina Ladet is a heart-centered channel and she offers intuitive readings, coaching and teaches amazing people how to communicate with their spirit guides and open up to their inner guidance both online and in live retreats worldwide.

Her soulful and inspiring writing has been featured in Happiness+Wellbeing Magazine, Hibiscus Moon, Leonie Dawson, Betty Means Business, Such Different Skies, and she is a regular writer for WildSister Magazine and WellBeing Magazine. Other collaborations include writing for Hibiscus Moon’s Create Sacred Space with Crystals Kit and 23 Ways to Live With Love: A Book Of Heart-Centered Inspiration alongside teachers and visionaries such as Lee Harris, Joanna Powell-Colbert and Alexandra Franzen.

Karina’s warmth and joy-filled energy come across so clearly and her gifts help so many overcome blocks and challenges in their lives in order to truly step into their highest power. She lives with her family in the French country side and she loves spending time in nature, playing with her kids and hugging trees.xx

Connect: Website Karina Ladet | [email protected] | FacebookInstagram | Pinterest | YouTube Twitter |


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