Today I have the pleasure of having my dear friend and amazing colleague Jackie Stewart here as a guest. Jackie invites us to choose a word to guide us through the new year and she’s offering you a FREE guided meditation to find it. I’ve been choosing a word for the year for a few years now and love it. If you use Leonie Dawson’s beautiful workbooks and planners this meditation can be really helpful. If you haven’t got your copy yet, they are available HERE.
Jackie has one of the most amazing voices so if you haven’t listened to her guided meditations yet, you are in for a treat!

Do you choose a Word of the Year as your touchstone

for the year ahead

or do you let the Word choose you?


Finding a Word of the Year is a powerful tool for self-awareness and manifestation and when you make space to listen to your heart, your Word will choose you.

Because when you listen to your heart rather than your mind, you hear guidance from your Soul. But life is busy and it can be hard to find those quiet spaces to listen to your Soul so that’s why I’ve created this guided audio process so you can listen to your heart and find the word that your Soul wants you to embody next year.

Words are powerful. Words carry energy. Every word has a particular vibration and, because we are energetic beings, we can change our energy by focusing our attention on a particular word for the year ahead.

When you know your Word of the Year you energise it, explore it, embody it and bring it into areas of your life where it was previously missing. And that’s powerful because you’re consciously co-creating with the magic of the universe!
This 15 minute guided audio process will help you sink beneath your thoughts and into your heart to find the word that your Soul wants you to embody next year.
All divine qualities already exist within you, waiting to be breathed into life and this process will help you find the word that will be your guide and touchstone. Your Soul will show you the perfect word to guide you home to your true self.

Which quality does your Soul want you to embody this year?

Download and listen to the free Word of the Year audio for your MP3 player by right clicking or control clicking on the link below and selecting ‘save link as’


Background music by Thaddeus, available from LuminEssence Productions atwww.orindaben.com

JackieJackie Stewart is officially a flower and crystal essence practitioner who has been holding sacred space in one-to-one flower essence sessions, workshops and meditation classes for the past 15 years. But really she’s a Soul Alchemist, Plant Spirit Medicine Woman and Meditation Guide.
Jackie believes that life is a constant, open invitation to Love and your heart will always guide you to what your Soul intends for you – you just need to give yourself the space to listen. Her work is all about creating spaces for the sacred to illuminate and enrich your daily life so you can live Soulfully and joyfully.
Find out more and sign up for her magical newsletter here.

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