Hello sweet friend,
It’s getting so hot here in France with around 33-35 C ! I’m spending my days doing readings and coaching with lovely clients when the children are in school and as soon as they are home we go to the river and spend hours eating fresh fruit, swimming and digging holes in the sand. The sweet life!
And I remember how much I love this life of mine and how grateful I am that I chose this.
It hasn’t been all smooth sailing of course and I’ve started taking the Inner Child Essence self-worth to strengthen this quality within me. My dear friend and super gifted essence practitioner Jackie Stewart gently suggested this could be at the core of my feelings of not being able to support others enough or not allowing for more support for myself.
I’ve done quite a lot of inner work in the last couple of years but finding a lack of self-worth at the core blew my mind. It explains why I get caught up in doing so much but often feel like it’s not enough.
I realized that when I give to and support others I feel valuable. So that also means that if I’m not doing any of that, I have no value.
Pretty harsh but it really resonated for me. I’ve spoken to quite a few friends and it resonated for them too. Maybe this is something that you also struggle with?
So just a quick reminder for you, beautiful soul:
You are an incredibly wise and loving being. You don’t have to do anything to prove that you are worthy of love or anything else that you desire. You are always loved. Unconditionally.
Take a moment and breathe that in. You are unconditionally loved.
The more I release these patterns within myself (and the essences are really helpful for this), the more my relationships with others change and grow. And some also dissolve because I am letting go of wanting to be everything to everybody. So my unbalanced relationships seem to stand out in such a clear way that I can’t continue pouring my energy into them anymore.
It flows quite easily and I’m releasing my attachment to being that person I thought I was. I don’t have to support others all the time in order to be a good friend. It’s enough to just be me. Some days I give and some days I receive. And it all flows so naturally.
I’m letting go of the old me so I can step into the new me.
It’s interesting how this is all happening before the summer solstice…
This week I also wanted to share some great workshops, courses and sessions that I think you’d love. Here we go!
~ The amazing intuitive Joanna Hennon has offered some really successful online workshops and she has just launched one called Magic In Me (love the name!) and you can find out more and sign up here. I’ve signed up and would love to see you there.
~ If you need support to release and shift emotions and deeply rooted patterns in order to move forward in your life, Jackie Stewart has just launched her Soul Alchemy sessions. Jackie’s work is SO deep and powerful so you definitely want to connect with her if you are facing big fears or blocks that you need support to move through.
~ The incredibly inspiring Jen Saunders at Wild Sister Magazine is about to launch her brand new e-course Devotion To Self and she’s doing a give-away at her website. I’m super happy to be a part of this new adventure.
~ If you are a mom and have your own business I think you’ll love this post by Shawn Ledington Fink about not going crazy trying to get everything done before the kids are on summer holidays. This really spoke to me. Big exhale : ).
~ More on the mama front: Want to rock motherhood, without overwhelm or losing yourself? I’ve had a peak at this gorgeous New Mama Welcome Pack and I would have loved to have this when I had my first baby.
~ My amazing friend and creative business mentor Leonie Dawson recently released her awesome Double Your Biz program. It’s filled with so much great content in a way that’s easy to understand even for non biz people and if you join the Academy before July 1 you’ll be able to join us for the first round of this program as a group. Can’t wait!
~ During one of Hiro Boga’s live calls in BYOBA she invited Bari Tessler Linden to speak about the Art of Money and it was divine. Bari is such a loving and wise mentor and I can’t wait to read her book when it’s out. You can find out more about her and her sacred work around money here. Who knew money could be sacred?
~ The lovely Jodi Chapman has just opened the doors to her Soulful Life Sanctuary and it has attracted a beautiful group of people. If you long to be a part of a loving and supportive community, check it out.
~ Ready to join my friend Cara Wilde’s Lightworker’s Revolution? I definitely am! Check out her brand new website and see if this resonates for you.
That’s all for today and I hope you found something to inspire and support you. If you want to make sure you don’t miss out on anything from my world, hop onto my mailing list and you will receive weekly Love Letters + 2 guided meditations for free.
I wish you a glorious day and remember to stop and enjoy where you are right now!
Big hugs,
PS: The essences I use are from Crystal Herbs and they are of great quality. Practitioner Jackie Stewart recommended them to me and if you use this link she will receive some affiliate money (win-win : ).
Thanks for this post Karina! My experience is that when I love myself and value what I have to give and offer, others tune into this and abundance naturally flows in. And I have always declared that the key to magic and manifesting is the acknowledgement of our sublime magnificence. Big love and thank you. Loa
Yes, so true, Loa! Lots of love to you, Karina