
I don’t know about you but I was definitely not initiated into womanhood when I first had my period. I remember being really angry and my mom didn’t know what to say to help me release this anger. To be honest I didn’t think much about it or my body’s cyclical nature for many years. I spent most of my time in my head or connecting with Spirit and felt very disconnected from my body. It was as if it had its own life, and I wasn’t really a part of it.

I first started to become aware of and more present in my body when I got pregnant with my son in 2005. This was the first time I realized that my body knew things that I had never experienced before. I could feel how it was connected to an ancient cycle that I shared with all mothers-to-be. This made me feel powerless at first because I felt very much out of control and nothing was working the way it used to. And at the same time this journey towards birth helped me to embrace and finally surrender to my body’s knowing.

When I accepted to let go and surrender to my body and its natural cycle it showed me a new way of being.

As I journeyed through my pregnancy and child birth I learnt to trust my body and connect deeply with its power and flow. I’ve been exploring my body’s cycles ever since and it’s been an incredible adventure. It’s not always been comfortable, as connecting with old wounds and memories from my past and the past of womankind rarely is, but it has helped me in so many ways.

Instead of trying to have the same energy levels and be the same all the time I have learnt to embrace the ebb and flow of being a woman. When I am in tune with my body and with nature I can use the energy in every moment to support me. I don’t have to push against the natural flow and try to be what I am not.

I can embrace my wise body and let it guide me.

Lately I have felt the call to deepen the exploration of my journey as a woman and I was so happy to get the opportunity to read the amazing author and wise woman Lucy Pearce new edition of Moon Time – Harness the ever-changing energy of your menstrual cycle.

I loved this book so much and it has helped me to expand my own practice and connection with my body. Lucy offers so much wisdom and her very kind and compassionate voice that comes from a life exploring the feminine inspired me and encouraged me to go deeper. This book is a wonderful mix of facts and personal sharings and it is both practical and intuitive.

If you wish to get to know your body and create a loving relationship with it (or deepen this connection) I think you will love this book. It’s also a great gift to the women in your life. I can’t wait to share this with my daughter when she is old enough.

To find out more and get your copy, visit Lucy’s website here.

Moon Time shares a fully-embodied understanding of the menstrual cycle whether you’re struggling with PMS, coming off hormonal birth control, getting your periods back after pregnancy… or simply wanting to deepen your understanding of your body. It is packed full of practical insight, empowering resources, creative activities and passion. Including:

  • Guidance on living and working in sync with your cycle.
  • Natural approaches to healing PMS.
  • Self-care practices to nurture and support.
  • How the moon impacts our cycles.
  • How to celebrate a girl’s first period.
  • How to start your own red tent or moon lodge (it was the first book in print to document the rise of the red tent phenomenon!)

Whether the reader is coming off the pill, wanting to understand her fertility, struggling with PMS, healing from womb issues, coming back to cycles after childbirth or just wanting a deeper understanding of her body, Moon Time is an empowering read.

The first edition has consistently been #1 in Menstruation on for a number of years. This second edition features over 45 pages of additional material including:

– Fertility charting
– Creating ceremonies: menarche, mother blessing, menopause …
– Moon phases
– Expanded and fully-updated resource section

lucyLucy H. Pearce is the author of four life-changing non-fiction books for women including the #1 Amazon bestsellers:

The Rainbow Way and Moon Time.

Her soulful girl’s book, Reaching for the Moon: a girl’s guide to her cycles  has been read and loved by thousands of daughters and their parents around the world. Lucy is the founder of Womancraft Publishing, which publishes transformational books by women, for women. She is passionate about sharing empowering women’s resources on The Happy She blogs on creativity, mindfulness, motherhood and world changing over on Dreaming


More posts about Moon Time:

Can We Talk About It, Ruby Toad Soulful Energies 

Talk Books: Moon Time, Talk Birth

I wish you a beautiful day!

With love and kindness,


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