Last night I had the great pleasure to interview one of my soul sisters – the powerful Heart Healer and Author of two books – Lysa Black. Lysa is not only an incredibly powerful healer and wise woman but she’s also an amazing entrepreneur. Her business guidance is so clear and powerful and she shares her voice in such an authentic way – both online and offline. She’s one of the most generous and real people I know and I can’t wait for you to discover her (or learn more) in this interview.

As I am sharing my new program for conscious, heartcentred entrepreneurs and calling in the magical wise women who are feeling the call to join us in September I’ve been inspired to share the stories of my soul sisters in business. You can find last week’s interview with the lovely Abundance Activator and Healer Lara Waldman here.

Open up your heart to receive all the wisdom Lysa shares in this interview and please share with everyone who needs to hear her stories and journey!

You can find Lysa HERE and her YouTube channel is filled with powerful healing sessions and guided meditations HERE. She is also sharing her wisdom and joy on Facebook and Instagram. You may see her dancing or throwing glitter! 

If you want to find out all about Embrace Your Purpose – my brand new Intuitive Business Program for Conscious Entrepreneurs –  click HERE.  I have poured all the powerful energy tools, practical knowledge and so much love, joy and magic into this program. If you are a soulful, intuitive or sensitive soul this is a program that gives you a holistic approach to business. No more writing icky sales pages! This is all about letting your beautiful, authentic essence and your powerful stories pour out into the world so that the dreamiest clients can find you. 

We will go deep into YOUR soul to support you as you reconnect with the radiant light inside you and then take the steps to call in your tribe and EXPAND your reach in the world. My intention is for you to receive more clients, more opportunities and more money as you become aligned with your soul and embrace your purpose. 

There will be 2 x 1:1 mentoring sessions with me, powerful monthly live calls, an amazing circle of soul sisters to support and love you, incredible guest teachers (Lysa Black and the Abundance Activator and Healer Lara Waldman), a custom-made essence exclusively for this group by the magical Essence Practitioner Jackie Stewart and so much more!

Find out all about it here and join us before August 31 when the early bird offer expires. We start this magical journey on September 26 and it will transform your life and business. 

And before I leave for my massage (SO needed after camping!) I want to remind you about my next free live calls! We meet TODAY on Tuesday August 2 for the New Moon and it’s a great opportunity to receive powerful healing and to plant your new seeds under the potent New Moon. I can’t wait to connect with you! And if you can’t attend there will be recordings sent to everyone who signs up to the calls.


Sending you so much love, joy and ease, dearest soul sister!







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