inner child Karina Ladet CD cover

Today I’m delighted to be the host for day 2 of the Virtual Blog Tour for Healing the Inner Child organized by my beautiful soul sister Jackie Stewart at

This tour is to celebrate the launch of the amazing Inner Child Meditation Kit which Jackie has created so you can let go of childhood wounds to experience more joy, empowerment and fulfillment.

Yesterday the tour started on Jackie’s blog here.  Today I’m sharing a letter I wrote to help heal my inner child. It was such a profound and moving experience to write this letter to myself and I am so grateful to Jackie for giving me this opportunity. If you feel called to I invite you to do the same.

I hope that my letter resonates for you. If you have lost someone important in your life or if you know a child who has lost a parent I wish that this message gives you hope.

With all my love,



Dear 7-year-old Karina,

You are going to be OK.

It wasn’t your fault that your father died. You are not responsible. Remember that you are a child and that you are not responsible for your family. Allow yourself to let out all your feelings. You have permission to cry, to be angry, to be a child for as long as you need to be. You are not your mother’s mother. And you are not your sister’s mother. You are a child and this is all you need to be right now.

Allow yourself to be sad until your sadness melts away. Even if it takes time. You are in so much pain right now and that is OK. This is where you are right now. One day the pain will go away. One day at a time you will start to feel better, lighter. Just heal at your own pace. Do not push past you pain or ignore it. This is worse than feeling it. Do not shut yourself off. Your emotions will wash away your pain and you will smile again.

A few years from now you will feel truly happy and alive again and you will feel the presence of you father. He will always be by your side. He never abandoned you. He only changed shape. He is pure light and continues to love you and your family.

Although it is very difficult for you and your family right now, your father’s time was up. But he will continue to guide you and support you forever. You will always be his beloved daughter and he will always be your father. Always. The bond you share is forever. Nothing can separate you. Not even death. He will always be with you.

One day you will smile when you think of you father and you will see how beautiful and magical your life is because of him.

I love you, Karina, and you are never alone. Remember this. Always.

39 years old

inner child Karina Ladet CD cover

I highly recommend the power of doing this process yourself and hope you feel inspired to do so. This guided meditation is incredibly deep and I felt so safe exploring this old memory. Jackie is so great at providing a loving and sacred space where I knew I was being held. Click here to discover if your inner child needs healing and buy the Inner Child Meditation Kit for instant download.

Visit the next stop on the tour tomorrow at Julie Gibbons at


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